Mend your torn clothes

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2.3k participants
Why It Matters

Mending your old clothes instead of tossing them cuts back on the massive amount of fashion waste we send to landfills every year.

Benefits for You

Mending just a quarter of your old clothes instead of opting for new purchases could save you $110 a year.

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Recommendations for how to take action

  • How To Start

    Teach yourself how to do some basic sewing. YouTube has endless videos for beginners who want to repair their old clothes.

  • What Comes Next

    Experiment with visible mending for clothes needing serious repairs. Even if you can’t sew, you can attach stylish patches to worn clothing.

Member Spotlight

Highlighting moments from members

Cyd's mended sweater

“Mending clothes is an awesome way to spend less and avoid consumerism. I enjoy visible mending rather than trying to blend the repair because everyone can see the love sewn into the garment!”

Cyd Pittsburgh, PA

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